CAR T-Cell therapy is the best treatment for relapsed and recurring multiple myeloma

CAR T for R/R multiple myeloma

Multiple myeloma (MM) is a common malignant cancer of the blood. It's currently incurrable. Patients will eventually confront the issue of recurrence. As the frequency of recurrences rises, therapy becomes more complex, significantly increasing the load on patients and lowering their quality of life. Although the treatment of multiple myeloma has seen some progress with the introduction of new medications and the enhancement of detection technologies, breakthroughs with standard treatment options remain difficult to obtain.

The development of CAR-T (chimeric antigen receptor T cell) therapy has solved a long-standing problem in hematological malignancy treatment. Because CAR-T infusions are "living cells" that can expand and live in the patient's body for a long period of time, most patients can acquire long-term anti-tumor benefits with just one dosage.

Professor Liang Aibin, Vice President of Tongji Hospital, which is affiliated with Tongji University, stated that multiple myeloma is the second most frequent malignant tumor of the blood system, with an incidence rate second only to lymphoma and higher than leukemia. Multiple myeloma is currently more common in the elderly, although it is also displaying an increasing trend of onset in young people. In clinical practice, people who get the condition in their forties are frequently encountered. Symptoms of multiple myeloma include high blood calcium levels, kidney damage, anemia, bone disease, and amyloidosis. The most prevalent reason for people with early-stage multiple myeloma to seek treatment is bone pain; hence, misinterpretation at the initial diagnosis is widespread.

Shanghai Tongji Hospital was the first in the country to conduct clinical research on CAR-T cell immunotherapy in 2014, and it was also one of the first units in China to perform CAR-T cell immunotherapy. As a pioneer in the field of cell therapy, there is no previous experience to draw from. However, under the guidance of Professor Liang Aibin, Tongji Hospital's hematology team has conquered numerous challenges in clinical research, diagnosis, and treatment, gaining valuable expertise in CAR-T therapy. A method of overall process management. Professor Liang Aibin stated, "In order to ultimately achieve the maximum benefit of CAR-T treatment and avoid the harm of possible toxic side effects, it is very vital and required to implement full-course management of CAR-T treatment.

After years of accumulation and ongoing optimization, Shanghai Tongji The hospital launched the 'Full Process Management of CAR-T Treatment' initiative, which includes a series of links from cell preparation to cell reinfusion, from toxic side effect prevention and control to long-term efficacy monitoring, as well as the development of a modern full-process management platform to achieve multidisciplinary diagnosis and treatment (MDT).

It seeks to be patient-centered and to meet the treatment needs of patients." Tongji's blood medical personnel currently has extensive clinical experience in diagnosing, treating, and caring for a wide range of common and challenging blood system illnesses. The annual outpatient volume and number of hospital admissions are among It is one of the top tertiary comprehensive hospitals in Shanghai.

It is known that a number of CAR-T medications have been approved for marketing around the world. Professor Liang Aibin stated that CAR-T cell treatment in the field of multiple myeloma has made significant progress in recent years. Three medications for multiple myeloma have recently been approved for marketing. Among them, China has just approved a fully human CAR-T igene injection. This is China's first CAR-T. This is a fully developed and produced CAR-T cell treatment. It is also the first fully human-targeted BCMA CAR-T product to be approved for marketing both globally and in China. Yijiaolunzai Injection has been approved.

The launch has significantly accelerated the development of CAR-T cell therapy in the field of multiple myeloma. More commercial CAR-T will be offered in the future, adding to the track record in the treatment of myeloma. We're looking forward to CAR-T therapy. It can actually provide patients with the chance of a cure in the future.

Over the last decade, China's CAR-T cell treatment has gained tremendous success. The clinical scale of CAR-T treatment provided by Shanghai Tongji Hospital's blood team has grown steadily over the last five years. According to Professor Liang Aibin, the types of diseases treated have extended from the initial single acute lymphoblastic leukemia to diverse blood malignancies such as lymphoma and multiple myeloma, as have the treatment targets, from single to dual.

This is the current domestic CAR; it is one of the units with the largest number of research studies on refractory/relapsed hematological cancers, the most diverse types, and the highest clinical efficacy. More than 30% of patients are referred by medical units in other provinces and cities, resulting in significant social advantages.

At the same time, Shanghai Tongji Hospital's Hematology Department uses the hospital's strong technical capabilities, worldwide service model, and beautiful and convenient medical settings to provide standardized and high-quality diagnostic and treatment services to international patients.

It is believed that a Thai multiple myeloma patient who had relapsed after numerous lines of treatment and had no available medications recently visited Shanghai Tongji Hospital to obtain fully human BCMA CAR-T treatment after being advised and consulted by a specialist.


Newly approved CAR T-Cell therapies in China 


IASO Bio launches fully human BCMA CAR T for multiple myeloma