CAR-T cell therapy works for recurring acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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Sun, an 80-year-old woman with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, recently went to the Department of Hematology at Anyi University's Second Affiliated Hospital for her scheduled evaluation. The checkup result revealed that the old woman's disease remained in remission. Grandma Sun's physical health has improved since undergoing the CAR-T cell clinical trial treatment at Anyi University's Second Affiliated Hospital in 2016, and she has been free of recurrence for more than 7 years.

The elderly suffer from leukemia, and there is no treatment available. In 2013, Grandma Sun was diagnosed with acute B lymphoblastic leukemia. Her disease was somewhat controlled with routine treatment, but it has now recurred. Grandma Sun's health relapsed in 2016, leaving her severely weakened. Continuing chemotherapy not only failed to control the disease, but it became unbearable for the weak. "The old man was relatively old at the time, and his health was really poor. In that situation, there was hardly any medicine accessible." Professor Zhai Zhimin, director of the Department of Hematology at An Medical University's Second Affiliated Hospital and a well-known doctor in Jianghuai, stated that the department was developing CAR-T at the time. Consider adopting this innovative technology to give Grandma Sun one final hope for life.

CAR-T cells demonstrate their efficiency, and the disease has not recurred in seven years.
After gaining the patient's family's agreement, the hematology treatment team chose to provide CAR-T cell targeted immunotherapy to Grandma Sun. The treatment team created a precise treatment plan for Grandma Sun in light of her advanced age and precarious physical condition, and as the treatment went on, the old man's condition gradually improved. According to the doctor's instructions, the elderly man went to the hospital in November 2023 for a follow-up consultation. His physical condition was excellent. The elderly man had not relapsed in more than seven years. CAR-T cell therapy resulted in a miracle of life.

In the last ten years, I've dedicated myself to research and delivered wonderful news to over 100 patients. According to Zhai Zhimin, the Department of Hematology of Anyi University's Second Affiliated Hospital has been committed to the research, development, and clinical application of CAR-T cells since the launch of CAR-T cell targeted immunotherapy research in 2014, and has continuously made new breakthroughs in the treatment of relapsed and refractory leukemia. This emerging technology at the time has been clinically promoted and applied in the past ten years. It is quite safe and has provided hope to many terminally ill people.

It is believed that the indications for CAR-T cell targeted immunotherapy include practically all blood cancers, including leukemia, lymphoma, and myeloma. In 2019, after receiving funding and support from Anhui Province's major scientific and technological projects, the hospital's Department of Hematology successfully created CAR-T cells targeting the Ex02 target after more than three years of day and night efforts. This is brand-new. The target has also enabled broader clinical applications for hematological cancers, giving good news to more patients. In the early half of this year, the hospital successfully treated a patient with advanced myeloma who had relapsed after transplantation with CAR-T cell therapy. According to Zhai Zhimin, the Department of Hematology at Anyi University's Second Affiliated Hospital is still doing a variety of CAR-T cell clinical experimental treatment research in the hopes of benefiting additional patients with hematological cancers. (Anyi University's Second Affiliated Hospital)


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